Commonly referred to as prenuptial agreements, premarital agreements are made between potential spouses before marriage. These agreements outline certain rights and responsibilities for each spouse, such as the division of property upon death or divorce.
In Chapter 52B of the North Carolina General Statutes, we find the Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. This act outlines the framework for premarital agreements in North Carolina.
Under Sections 52B-3 and 52B-4, we find the requirements for premarital agreements in North Carolina. First and foremost, premarital agreements must be written and signed by both spouses. Without a writing signed by both spouses, premarital agreements are not valid. Additionally, even if one spouse does not receive any benefit under the agreement, it is still valid and enforceable.
Similar requirements exist for amendments to or revocation of a premarital agreement. Both spouses must execute and sign a writing outlining the changes or elimination of the agreement. Even in the absence of consideration, where one spouse does not receive any benefit, the amended or revoked agreement can be valid and enforceable.
North Carolina outlines eight different areas under which prospective spouses can create a premarital agreement. Premarital agreements in North Carolina are allowed to govern:
- The rights and obligations regarding property owned by either or both spouses;
- The right to conduct real estate transactions (purchase, sale, transfer, mortgage, etc.) concerning property;
- The division of property upon certain marriage-ending events, such divorce or death;
- The right to change or remove obligations concerning spousal support;
- The establishment of estate planning mechanisms (wills, trusts, etc.) to carry out all or part of the agreement;
- The control and ownership of the death benefit from a life insurance policy;
- The right to choose which legal system governs the agreement; and
- The ability to create other conditions, so long as those conditions conform to the law and public policy.
There is an important exception. The parties to a premarital agreement are not allowed to prevent children from receiving child support. That is one area that is off limits for premarital agreements in North Carolina.
Do You Need Legal Counsel from an Experienced Family Law Attorney?
Whether you are dealing with a prenuptial agreement, divorce or other aspects of family law, there is a lot to consider. Personal needs are balanced against family wellbeing. With so much on the line, it can difficult to know where to start. That is where an experienced family law attorney can make a true difference, explaining your rights under the law and planning an appropriate strategy. That way you will be in the best position for a successful outcome.
Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Powers Landreth PLLC has 20 years of combined legal experience in matters of family law. If you have questions about a prenuptial agreement, divorce or other aspects of family law, please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience. We will work tirelessly to help you overcome any obstacles in your path. The attorneys at Powers Landreth PLLC are available 24/7 by phone at 704-342-4357, by fax at 980-209-0029 and online by completing a simple form.
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