How Settlement Negotiations Contribute to Amicable Divorce in North Carolina
The common perception of divorce is generally negative. Pop culture is rife with depictions of nasty divorces and spouses bickering over every single possession. Children are often caught in the crossfire, as their parents fight bitterly to take everyone possible from their former partner.
In order to avoid a costly and lengthy divorce battle in the courts, an increasing number of spouses are...
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Britny’s Law Enhances Punishment for Domestic Violence in North Carolina
“Britny’s Law” went into effect on December 1, 2017, enhancing the penalties for domestic violence in North Carolina, according to an article by WRAL.
Three years ago, Britny Puryear was stuck in a vicious relationship. At that time, Britny lived with her boyfriend in Fuqua-Varina, North Carolina. Over the course of four years, their relationship became increasingly abusive. The...
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Examining Marriage and Divorce Statistics in North Carolina
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) publishes a report each year detailing the number of marriages and divorces. The topic for exploration today is an analysis of DHHS data on the number of North Carolina marriages and divorces over the past five years.
It is crucial to note that 2017 is not yet available. As a result, the five-year period for analysis will be...
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Rylan’s Law Improves Child Custody Oversight in North Carolina
A new North Carolina measure called Rylan’s Law will increase oversight in child custody cases, according to an article by The News & Observer.
Rylan’s Law came into existence to address existing inefficiencies in the state child custody system. Specifically, lawmakers point to the notorious story of a young boy named Rylan. This boy drowned in a pool in April 2016, only weeks before his...
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Exploring North Carolina’s Unified Family Court System
Back in 1996, North Carolina engaged in a redesign of the in-state legal system. At the conclusion of this process, the Commission for the Future of Justice and the Courts in North Carolina issued a report, titled “Without Favor, Denial or Delay,” outlining a number of recommendations to overhaul the state legal system.
Among those recommendations, the Commission called for the creation of a...
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Key Considerations for Child Custody in North Carolina
Today we will review a handful of key considerations for child custody situations that arise in North Carolina. Child custody is often the most challenging part of a divorce, with both parents fighting for custody of their children. In order to maintain focus on the children, North Carolina’s statutory approach places a premium value on the best interests of the children.
How Does North...
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Candlelight Vigil for North Carolina’s Domestic Violence Victims
A crowd gathered in Graham, North Carolina, on to remember 77 victims who died as a result of domestic violence in the state in the past year, according to an article by The Times-News.
A joint effort organized by the Family Justice Center and Family Abuse Services, attendees assembled in front of the Alamance County War Memorial. With a crowd bearing candles to the light the night, the name...
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